It's THE program designed to help Mums get strong again from the inside out. It’s movement, mindset and all the madness of Motherhood broken down into practical, bite-sized pieces to help you reconnect with your body again after babies.
Practical guidance with exercise – what to do, how to do it and when to do it are all topics we will cover.
Exercising allows you to know your body. Moving your body is a form of self-care. Self-care is about thriving not just surviving. This program will teach you the skills to make this happen.
We will openly have those difficult conversations about what has happened to your body when it carried and birthed your children. There is no such thing as TMI (too much information) when it comes to talking about the Pelvic Floor, Core, Knees, Backs, Hips, Boobs! We will take on those icky subjects in order to normalize conversations around them. Too many Women silently accept discomfort, pain and minor niggles after becoming Mothers thinking it is either normal or that maybe it’s just them. It’s not. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
The Mother Tribe
This program is here to give you all the basic information that every Mother need to hear around her Safe Return to Exercise.
Taking the time and energy now to really connect and rebuild from the inside out, to increase that strength in your body slowly and mindfully, mastering the basic exercises and movements, will give you the confidence and energy to live a fully energetic and active life far beyond these early years of Motherhood.
As Mothers our days can feel incredibly full, with endless tasks and our energy being pulled in many different directions. The lack of time and opportunity to exercise is a common theme in all our lives. We will challenge preconceived ideas about exercise in order to help you see what can be done and we will teach you to ask, what is possible for me?
Come on over and join a community of smart, savvy Women determined to thrive.