The Path
Rising Fierce is not a traditional program - it is a way of being. Through various practices, skills and knowledge we realign and recalibrate our internal compass to guide us through our unique midlife transition.
As an evolving body of work I create free and paid offerings for women ready to RISE. We gather online and in person for physical, emotional, social and spiritual) support.
It’s for Women who are truly ready to take on the changes and challenges required to live aligned to their values and to experience what it feels like to be healthier and happier in their bodies. Especially in their mid life.
Who it's for
If you are in your midlife years (from late 30s to your mid 50s) and you were raised to believe that you could have it all, do it all, be it all then you have likely paid a price for that.
Women are now physically weaker, more nutritionally depleted and carry higher levels of physical and emotional stress than ever before.
Our bodies are now screaming at us to listen as our physical and emotional health has been so impacted by years of hustling and surviving often caring for others, forging careers and forgetting ourselves. We don’t even know who we are anymore!
Numbing ourselves with work, family and consumerism from online shopping to food, alcohol and binge TV. If we don’t stop and address these issues now we will shorten our lives not by years but decades and the life we do have will be spent in discomfort, pain and regret.

What you will get out of it
How WILLING are you?
Once you decide to commit to RISING FIERCE how willing are you to do what needs to be done - to face the obstacles that will arise? To tackle your inner critic? To get super uncomfortable facing your own truth? And to keep showing up with your whole heart even if your head says no?
This path can completely change your life but you have to want it to and then you have to do what needs to be done. The more you put into this philosophy (love of wisdom) with your actions, intentions and interactions, the more you will get out of it.
We will be deep diving into the Rising Fierce pillars of wisdom.
We have been taught to outsource our health to others (especially with the a pill for pain approach) and ironically most of us already know what we need to do, what serves us better but we ignore our pain, our learnt suffering, and continue on the loop endless seeking solutions but never actually doing the work to achieve them.
It’s time to reclaim your Vital Force.
To learn to do more for ourselves, to hear our bodies speak to us and to trust our instinct, that inner voice which will always guide us. In a world consumed by noise, we have forgotten to listen to ourselves, to go quiet and hear our own truth.

Rising Fierce is more than just a program to help you regain your health, it is a way of life.
It’s here to help guide women to recognise their personal power, to take back their sovereignty and ignite that inner fire once more.
It will burn through our beliefs, change our stories and help us to thrive rather than survive our most potent years as Women.